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Some things change lives instantly. Other things take a little longer.

This website’s purpose is to make positive differences for people and our Wellington community, mostly one step at a time. It’s about collective ambition, any number of great ideas and a willingness to openly share it all so anyone can see it and benefit.

Flightdec gifted the website to the community while the people generate the content and make it all work. is the first of many in development for Aotearoa New Zealand: a community website in the truest sense. Each site belongs to the community and promotes a rich spirit-of-generosity that is too often hidden from view. That’s why you’ll see plenty about the good causes of this community and others around Aotearoa New Zealand, and the leadership organisations that support it.

Here’s a little on our approach. events online


If you support your community through any form of generosity, even if it’s just to advocate for a good cause, here’s what the benefits are. You support yourself, your whanau and all the things you care about. That helps everyone’s future. And even if the rewards are just in the satisfaction of knowing you’ve helped make a difference, you still win.

This website is a place where you’ll find plenty of good causes and stories to inspire you to give.

In so many areas we’re hard-wired to compete for scant resources and work in silos. This competitive win / lose approach amounts to a sum-zero-gain.

But communities work best when we’re connected, informed and sharing more. We can do things with and for others because when they benefit, we benefit too – win / win. That’s a sum-positive-gain approach.


Now boundaries hardly matter, unless they’re in our minds. Even conventional websites are well served by Google and social media networks, but we can go another giant step further by connecting up the websites themselves to truly share news, views, information, ideas and resources.

This website is part of a growing enterprise network of town and sector websites, something previously beyond the reach of ordinary websites and communities.

Participation in sport provides plentiful examples of how leadership, communication and teamwork achieve extraordinary things. This community benefits from these same things, when people build teams to make a difference or contribute to the bigger team – our community.





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